Meghan Markle, born on August 4, 1981 in Los Angeles, California, is an American fashion model and actress. Meghan Markle’s mother is African American and her father is Dutch Irish. He graduated from Northwestern University with a double degree in drama and international relations. After graduation, he worked in the US embassy in Buenos Aires. His works include bad boss and going to Greek theatre.

Meghan Markle married Prince Harry on May 19, 2018. In April 2018, he was honored as the most influential person in the world by time magazine in 2018. On October 15, 2018, Kensington Palace announced that Prince Harry’s wife Meghan was pregnant.

On the wedding day of Meghan and Harry, she wore a platinum diamond set crown left by Queen Mary of England. This crown was specially designed for Queen Mary that year and made in England in 1932. The middle is composed of ten round bright cut diamonds in a flower shape. Like many royal jewels, this one can be split.

In addition, at the wedding, Megan also wore a bracelet and ring from Cartier. The galanterie de Cartier series Diamond Earrings shone on her ears and the reflection de Cartier series bracelet was worn on her hands. It seems that this French jewelry brand is very popular with Megan.

Meghan and Harry attended the British National Association Day celebration held in London together. Meghan, who participated in the Royal activities for the last time, still adhered to her simple style, wearing a pair of earrings from Birks, diamond earrings and nude high heels, which just neutralized the beauty of her green. I have to mention that Birks, a brand from Canada, has a history of more than 100 years.

In 2018, when Megan attended the women’s empowerment reception, she wore bieks’ earrings, which were still simple hanging, diamond earrings and black skirts.

Megan wore Caroline Herrera’s floral silk dress when she visited Morocco in 2019. The earrings she wore this time were the Cartier earrings she wore when she got married. She wore the two rings just mentioned above. Megan is really smart. This large print dress with delicate and small jewelry will not steal the show of the dress, but also show the whole person’s delicacy!

Meghan wore Cartier’s Earrings again at the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the RAF. Matching with the dark blue dress, it still follows a low-key and simple route.

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