Excessive menstrual defecation may be caused by factors such as Normal bowel movements, Dietary factors, Chronic gastritis, Prostaglandins, Menstrual reflux, Pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis.
During menstruation, there are usually several reasons for frequent bowel movements:
- Normal defecation: This is mainly due to the fact that during menstruation, the entire uterus becomes congested and the levels of prostaglandins in the body gradually increase, stimulating gastrointestinal smooth muscles and causing diarrhea symptoms. It is a normal defecation and does not require excessive worry.
- Prostaglandins: Menstruation is the periodic detachment of the female endometrium under the action of estrogen and progesterone, leading to bleeding. During menstruation, a large amount of prostaglandins is usually produced. During the process of endometrial exfoliation, a large amount of prostaglandins are produced locally in the endometrium. Therefore, during the menstrual period, local levels of prostaglandins, including in the blood, will increase. The increased levels of prostaglandins stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in frequent bowel movements. There are significant individual differences among different patients, with some patients feeling no sensation and others feeling more pronounced;
- Menstrual blood reflux: During menstruation, there may be menstrual blood reflux, and menstrual blood in the uterine cavity may pass through the fallopian tubes and enter the abdominal cavity. Gather in the pelvic cavity after reaching the abdominal cavity, stimulate the pelvic peritoneum, and cause the desire to relieve bowel movements;
- Endometriosis: Some patients with endometriosis, especially those with deep nodular endometriosis, are usually located in the vaginal and rectal spaces. During menstruation, bleeding occurs within the lesion, causing local irritation, usually accompanied by pain and possible stimulation of the rectum, resulting in a noticeable desire to defecate.
- Dietary factors: If you eat some raw, cold, or stimulating foods during your menstrual period, it will not stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and may cause symptoms of frequent bowel movements, with light foods being the main choice.
- Chronic gastritis: It is a common digestive dysfunction disease, and patients can use medication for treatment under the guidance of a doctor.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease: Due to pelvic inflammatory disease, the elasticity of the uterine ligaments decreases, causing the uterus to be pulled back into a tilted or bent position, which can also lead to a sense of defecation in patients. Such patients need timely treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease to alleviate diarrhea symptoms.
Pay attention to the following situations during menstruation:
- 1) Pay attention to menstrual hygiene, clean the external genitalia daily and wash from front to back. Generally, soap is not necessary. Choose clean and soft sanitary napkins.
- 2) Pay attention to keeping warm and avoid taking a cold shower.
- 3) Avoid vigorous exercise, pay attention to rest, and maintain a happy mood.